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  • Life Don't Owe You Nothin' - A Reality Check to Achieve Greatness

Life Don't Owe You Nothin' - A Reality Check to Achieve Greatness

A blunt, “in your face” reality check for many. A reminder for some, encouragement and hope for others. This book offers a reminder of personal responsibility values that will help everyone achieve great things once applied.
  • Last updated Aug 08, 2024
  • English

What you'll learn

Life Don’t Owe You Nothin’ – A Reality Check to Achieve Greatness” is a blunt, “in your face” reality check for many. A reminder for some, encouragement and hope for others. This book offers a reminder of personal responsibility values that will help everyone achieve great things once applied.  A realization that we:

     Are not entitled to anything.

    Need to put forth the effort to achieve what we want.

    Need to make good choices to direct our lives in a positive direction.

    Don’t get a “participation trophy” just for existing.

    Are not entitled to the fruits of other people’s labor.

    Need to show our value and worth through our efforts, knowledge, and experience.

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This book was created to enlighten our future leaders about these ideas and encourage people to make the effort to increase their value through life experiences, knowledge and skill and the ability to share the knowledge with others to make our world a better place.

Una prueba directa y directa de la realidad para muchos. Un recordatorio para algunos, aliento y esperanza para otros. Este libro ofrece un recordatorio de los valores de responsabilidad personal que ayudarán a todos a lograr grandes cosas una vez aplicados.


यह पुस्तक हमारे भावी नेताओं को इन विचारों के बारे में जागरूक करने तथा लोगों को जीवन के अनुभवों, ज्ञान और कौशल के माध्यम से अपना मूल्य बढ़ाने तथा ज्ञान को दूसरों के साथ साझा करने की क्षमता विकसित करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए लिखी गई है, ताकि हमारा विश्व एक बेहतर स्थान बन सके।

Dieses Buch soll unsere zukünftigen Führungskräfte über diese Ideen aufklären und Menschen dazu ermutigen, sich darum zu bemühen, ihren Wert durch Lebenserfahrung, Wissen und Können zu steigern und dieses Wissen mit anderen zu teilen, um unsere Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.

تم تأليف هذا الكتاب لتثقيف قادتنا المستقبليين حول هذه الأفكار وتشجيع الناس على بذل الجهد لزيادة قيمتهم من خلال تجارب الحياة والمعرفة والمهارة والقدرة على مشاركة المعرفة مع الآخرين لجعل عالمنا مكانًا أفضل.

Ce livre a été créé pour éclairer nos futurs dirigeants sur ces idées et encourager les gens à faire l'effort d'augmenter leur valeur à travers les expériences de vie, les connaissances et les compétences et la capacité de partager les connaissances avec les autres pour faire de notre monde un endroit meilleur.


Open to encouragement through life lessons and action to overcome obstacles.


Bob Brumm
@bbrumm What About Bob? - The Encouragement Engineer
  • 3 Learners
  • 9 Courses
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What About Bob? - The Encouragement Engineer

Life Don't Owe You Nothin' - A Reality Check to Achieve Greatness
$ 10.00 USD
CV: 5 QV: 10 SV: 7

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  • Learners0
  • Sections7
  • Lessons8
  • Skill LevelBasic
  • Language English
  • Certificate No
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