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James Feldman, CSP, CITE, CPIM, CPT, CPC, MIP, PCS

James Feldman, CSP, CITE, CPIM, CPT, CPC, MIP, PCS

United States

James D. Feldman is an accomplished author, distinguished speaker, and experienced consultant with over 30 years of career experience. He specializes in leadership development, sales training, and customer service and is renowned for his dynamic and engaging speaking style.

After attending law school, Feldman was the first graduate of the University of Illinois Executive MBA program. He has taught at several colleges and universities, sharing his knowledge and insights in business and leadership with students. An avid learner, Feldman has 11 industry certifications. He is also an early adopter of innovative technologies, emphasizing their role in enhancing business practices.

Feldman's expertise has been shared with audiences worldwide, from Fortune 500 companies to small businesses. He has received numerous accolades, including being recognized as "One Of The Most Innovative Persons in the 21st Century" by Incentive Magazine, an honor he shares with notable figures such as Michael Dell, Richard Branson, and the founders of Google.

Feldman's influence is not limited to his spoken words; his written works have also left a lasting impact. His book "Think Inside The Box: Using 3D Thinking for Success in Business and Life" has been praised for its innovative approach to problem-solving and innovation. He has also authored articles and white papers on various topics, showcasing his expertise.

James D. Feldman's contributions to the business world are innovative and enduring. His legacy as a speaker, author, consultant, and advocate for technology-driven progress continues to inspire audiences and organizations worldwide..

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